Illustration(s) pertain to the topic addressed in this publication, not the specific research or data presented in the publication

Risk of developing AIDS in HIV-infected cohorts of hemophilic and homosexual men


The latency period and/or incidence of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) may differ in persons infected with the human immunodeficiency virus by different routes or having different “cofactors.” We compared 79 hemophilic men in Pennsylvania and 117 homosexual and bisexual men in California, all having known dates of infection and long postinfection observation periods, to examine these hypotheses.… Read more

Illustration(s) pertain to the topic addressed in this publication, not the specific research or data presented in the publication

The course of the epidemic of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in the United States hemophilia population


The time course of the epidemic of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) as it has occurred in the US hemophilia population is examined using surveillance data collected by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). These data indicate that the epidemic course in hemophiliacs is distinguishable from that in the homosexual/bisexual and intravenous drug-using populations in at least one respect–the epidemic in the hemophilia population is characterized by a lack of consistent increase in the number of new AIDS cases in successive time intervals.… Read more