Illustration(s) pertain to the topic addressed in this publication, not the specific research or data presented in the publication

Child abuse in Georgia: a method to evaluate risk factors and reporting bias


From July 1975 through December 1979, the Georgia Department of Protective Services Central Registry recorded population-based data on confirmed, non-confirmable, and ruled-out child abuse reports. We propose that reporting biases are reflected in the differential characteristics of confirmed and ruled-out reports of child abuse.… Read more

Illustration(s) pertain to the topic addressed in this publication, not the specific research or data presented in the publication

Sexual child abuse


The Centers for Disease Control are currently formulating recommendations for treatment of children suspected of being sexually abused. Until this process is completed, we suggest that recommendations for adults be followed for sexually abused children.

Gonorrhea prophylaxis should be given only if the abuser is known to have a gonococcal infection. … Read more