Illustration(s) pertain to the topic addressed in this publication, not the specific research or data presented in the publication

Acute onset of decreased vision and hearing traced to hemodialysis treatment with aged dialyzers


CONTEXT: A recent event in which 7 patients at 1 hospital developed decreased vision and hearing, conjunctivitis, headache, and other severe neurologic symptoms 7 to 24 hours after hemodialysis drew attention to the issue of the long-term integrity of dialysis machines and materials.… Read more

Illustration(s) pertain to the topic addressed in this publication, not the specific research or data presented in the publication

A hospital-based prevalence survey of bloodstream infections in febrile patients in Malawi: implications for diagnosis and therapy


The etiology of bloodstream infections (BSIs) in febrile (or =37.5 degrees C) adults (or =18 years old) in one Malawi hospital were determined during August and September 1997. After clinical evaluation, blood was drawn for comprehensive culture, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) type 1 testing, and malaria smear.… Read more