Illustration(s) pertain to the topic addressed in this publication, not the specific research or data presented in the publication

Pregnancies in human immunodeficiency virus-infected sex partners of hemophilic men. The Hemophilia-AIDS Collaborative Study Group


We investigated 24 completed pregnancies of 20 healthy, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-seropositive sex partners of 20 seropositive hemophilic men. One woman had recurrent herpes simplex type 2 infection; no woman was known to use illicit drugs or to have other purported cofactors for vertical HIV transmission.… Read more

Illustration(s) pertain to the topic addressed in this publication, not the specific research or data presented in the publication

Clinical aspects of child abuse

Jason J

In:  Current Diagnosis, 7th edition, R.B. Conn, editor.  W.B. Saunders Co, Philadelphia, 1984.

 … Read more

Illustration(s) pertain to the topic addressed in this publication, not the specific research or data presented in the publication

Sexually Abused Children and Sexually Transmitted Diseases


Sexual  abuse  of  children  is  a  complex  problem that has had, until recently, received only limited recognition and discussion in the pediatric literature. The reasons for this are twofold. First, the magnitude of the problem is unrecognized. Sexual child abuse is grossly underreported, with a true incidence perhaps 10-fold higher than the reported incidence.… Read more